Why Pure Storage?

I’m excited to say that earlier this month I made the decision to join the Pure Storage team as a Systems Engineer.   Since sharing my decision, I have been asked by friends, fellow architects and customers:

Why Pure?

Before I get into why I decided to join Pure, you first need to understand my . . . → Read More: Why Pure Storage?

Is NetApp Doomed?

I recently met with a storage architect friend of mine who happens to be a NetApp competitor and had a good discussion about the future of NetApp.  He made a case that the best days of NetApp are behind it, that they had a good run, but got bogged down in this “one platform . . . → Read More: Is NetApp Doomed?

To Tier or Not to Tier?

In my previous post, I discussed how storage virtualization capabilities are radically changing how we design and manage storage systems.  For a while now, I’ve been skeptical of the idea that paying per/TB for virtualization software can save me money over what would otherwise be hardware costs alone.

I decided to actually run some . . . → Read More: To Tier or Not to Tier?

Storage Tiering in a Virtual Age

If you haven’t changed how you specify and build out storage tiers in the last year or so, you will need to soon.  Storage technology has rapidly evolved over the last few years.  In order to make the most out of our investments and fully leverage the new capabilities, we must also change the . . . → Read More: Storage Tiering in a Virtual Age

How to Put a Price on Storage: The Danger of Cost Per GB

IT Storage Standoff

It is 4:45 in the afternoon on a Friday as John and Travis sit across from each other.  A heavy oak table sits between them, but it may as well be granite wall.  After a series of uncomfortable discussions, they are no closer to agreement than when they began reviewing the . . . → Read More: How to Put a Price on Storage: The Danger of Cost Per GB